I have approached this day with a sense of dread simply because I feel that I must say goodbye again to Ann in a year that has been filled with goodbyes that bring no closure. It will be a day when it will be difficult to just go on with life. As I watched the names being read this morning of the victims and Ann's was read and her picture shown on the screen, I thought about that day a year ago that never seemed to end. The waiting, the wondering, the hope and the despair that came with it. It has been a very long year filled with questions of why as well as a greater appreciation for my family and friends as well as life itself. I truly believe that Ann lived life to the fullest, without questioning if she had chosen the right path or waited to do something tomorrow instead of just doing it today. I hope that I can live my life more like that. My promise to Ann is that instead of focusing on the day she died or was rememberd at her memorial or put to rest at her burial service, I will remember the 30 years she was with us and treasure my memories -the good and the bad, the incredible laughter and the pains of growing up. She truly was and will always be a friend in the truest sense of the word. She will never be forgotten. Take care and God bless Kelly |