I woke up this morning to the realization that
it is 911. The past 2 years as come and gone very quickly. I
wanted to share with you what today means to me. I will not
pretend that I was a close friend of Ann's, but after listening
some of the stories about her I wish I would have gotten to
know her better. However, since her death I can honestly say
I think about her a lot.
I coach football in my spare time, so I get to listen to the
National Anthem every week. Every time I hear it I picture Ann
with her dog in front of the flag and I THANK HER. I thank her
for helping me realize that I am very lucky. She reminds me
every week of what is really important in my life. She reinforces
my decision to take time to coach, something I have always dreamed
about doing. It was a hard decision to take a big pay cut for
5 months out of the year to do something for the pure enjoyment
of it. Ann is especially there for me when I think the pressure
from work is getting too much. She is there, in front of the
Flag, and in my mind she is telling me it's OK to follow your
dream and reminds me that we need to take advantage of the opportunities
we are given to the best of our abilities. She reminds me to
take the time to tell my friends and family that I love them.
Even though we were not close before, she has
done a lot for me since 911 and I want to thank her. I sincerely
believe that she can hear me but I wanted all of you to know
what she has done for me on this special day.
I am going to tell my team at practice today about Ann. But
I'm not sure what I am going to say or how it's going to come
out. I think she is a very inspirational story and if we keep
her in our thoughts then she will never truly be gone.
I hope every one is Happy and Healthy.
John Trana